Using a Pavlok
Using a Pavlok to Stop Porn Pornography use has been linked with so many negative consequences as it interferes with normal daily behavior or responsibilities. To get their lives back together, many porn users are on the lookout for an effective
How Porn Took Control of Your Life
Understanding how Porn took control of your life is somewhat reflective rather than an issue to be deliberated. So, you might want to look at the root cause for watching Porn and the effect it has in your life over
Why Do I Watch Porn?
If you’ve found yourself switching to blue movies when the lights go out or thinking about porn as a way to become aroused, you could have fallen into the grip that porn has on many modern-day men and women. There
Best Way to Stop Porn
The best way to stop porn is for you to stop watching and thinking about porn. Once you stop watching and thinking about porn, then you'll be on the path to actually quitting porn. It won't be easy and there'll be
What is Pornography?
It's actually spelled Pornography and not Porngraphy, which is how many people spell it. As humans, we have a peculiar interest in sex. A toddler, in trying to understand the human body, is most likely to be first fascinated by the
Signs of Porn Addiction
If you or someone you know has a tendency to engage with pornography regularly, it’s possible addiction could be a concern. Just viewing pornography doesn’t mean a person is addicted, though. It greatly depends on the behavior surrounding the addiction.
Porn Psychological Dependence
Porn abuse and misuse wreak a lot of damage to the user. Just as porn abuse can have a detrimental effect on a person’s body, it can also significantly impact their mind. Porn addiction does not come out of the
The Problem with Pornography
Many people use pornography because they enjoy watching other people in the act of sex. It helps them become aroused, so they can be satisfied and satisfy their lover. For some people, pornography is strictly a form of entertainment. They
Coping With Pornography
Victims of such gruesome acts like pornography have a hard time leading a normal life. They build a protective shell around them and make this their comfort-zone of deep-seated fears and anger and live as prisoners of their own sorrows.
How to Stop Thinking About Porn
Porn addiction is a severe problem that is faced by many Millennials across the planet. With the constant bombardment of nude and erotic content on social media, it has become more difficult than ever not to have recurrent sexual thoughts. Accessing