Why Do I Watch Porn?


Why Do I Watch Porn?

If you’ve found yourself switching to blue movies when the lights go out or thinking about porn as a way to become aroused, you could have fallen into the grip that porn has on many modern-day men and women. There are many reasons why someone may watch porn; for stress reduction, being dissatisfied with their sex life, inquisitive about pornography, or as a way to suppress negative emotions.

With its easy accessibility online, many young people are having access to porn sites which set unfeasible standards about what sex is and watching videos that show very unrealistic examples of sex, sexual conduct and increasingly acceptable behaviors towards women. With young men growing up with these graphic thoughts and beliefs around what sex is there is a risk that young couples may start rationalizing sexual violence or hardcore acts as the norm. 

Porn has been an avenue for people to see their fantasies being acted out, where it be sexual positions, sex with someone with certain hair or feature or even exploring sexual preference by watching videos of the same sex. Whatever the reason once you’re on that website or into that habit it can be difficult to break. Sexual fantasies are completely normal and natural for everyone. However, research has shown that for frequent porn watchers, much like a drug addict, you have to start to up the ante to reach arousal which can be a difficult path to come away from.

There are many reasons why someone may start to watch porn, what these viewers don’t realize is the damming effects continued use can have on their lives.

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