With the wide availability of the internet and smartphones, pornography is something that has become common in today’s day and age. But are we aware of what this allegedly “Harmless” act is doing to us? 

Pornography is a real addiction that we don’t take that seriously. It’s a behavior that can seriously damage our relationships, the way we perceive others and the natural workings of our brain. 

If this behavior persists, it can impact not only your work and relationships but your overall well-being and can have adverse effects on our psychology.

Ending this addiction will bring a lot of positive change in our life. Let’s have a look at some approaches that can help you stop porn.

1.   Understand Why You Need to Stop Porn

Why is it so essential to stop porn? Why are you trying to stop porn in the first place? Sit down and think about all the negative impacts you have experienced in yourself after watching porn. 

Your mind is always polluted with perverted thoughts, you develop unrealistic expectations because people in porn are “perfect”. Porn makes us used to aggressive ways women should not be treated. Porn literally changes the brain and we become dependent on porn for bursts of happiness. You become generally a cynical person with excessive porn use. Porn seriously affects your work and personal life. It’s an addiction that only gets worse and worse with time. 

When you clearly think of all the ways you are harming yourself with porn, you will understand why is it so essential to quit this habit. 

2.   Get Rid of All Your Porn

Analyze your social media and unfollow all the nude or impulsive content. Try to minimize any sexual triggers from your online usage as much as you can and delete any porn you have saved on your computer. 

Install parental control or porn blocking software on all your digital devices. In the first phases of quitting porn, the urges of watching porn are the strongest. So, you need to have strong will power. Using such software will make it harder for you to access porn and give you a reminder of why you should not do this. 

3.   Hack your Habit loop 

This is probably the most important part. You have to identify the cues that trigger your porn surfing routine. Is it loneliness and boredom? Is it because of vulgar content on your social media? Whatever your trigger is, identify it and replace it with another reward you give to yourself. 

This will help break the dependence of your brain on porn for happiness. You can try things such as playing a video game, eating a snack, exercising, etc. whenever you feel the urge. Each time you do that you will train your brain to find happiness in something else and this will break the habit. 

The Takeaway

Porn is an addiction you need to break if you want to live a better life. Getting in the right mindset is the most important thing. Understanding your porn cravings and replacing them with positive habits will help you live a more positive and productive life.